Year R
Children enter year R with an understanding that time passes and that they change as they grow. History in Year R is focused on learning about themselves and things familiar to them. Children learn about how things change over time, how they have changed as they have developed from a baby, to a toddler and a young child. They talk about the changes and start to sequence them in a chronological order. They develop and use phrases relating to the passing of time. “When I was a baby…, before I started school…” and are using time words and some historical vocabulary to talk about the past. They look at different types of transport and how they are similar or different in the past compared to now. Annual events such as Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day are celebrated and talked about where they always appear in the year.
Children in Year R are able to talk about themselves as part of a timeline, using basic Historical vocabulary to demonstrate the passing of time.