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Cove Infant School home page

Cove Infant School

Growing and Achieving together

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1! 



The gates to the school open at 8:40am and Registration takes place at 8:50am. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please send PE kits in on a Monday and we will send them home on a Friday. If your child has pierced ears, then please ensure that their earrings have been removed on these days so that they can participate in PE lessons. 


Please ensure your child's uniform is named so it can always be returned to the rightful owner! 


Key Dates! 


Week Beginning 10/6/24 - Phonics Screening Week 

Monday 10th June - Mufti - sweet donation for the summer fair 

Friday 14th June - Summer Fair - after school 

Tuesday 25th June - Alice Holt Trip 

Friday 28th June - Sports day 

Tuesday 2nd July - Road Safety show in school 

Thursday 4th July - National Transition morning 

Monday 8th July - Olympics Dance workshop 

Friday 19th July - Finish for the summer 1:15pm 





Summer 2 Project


Tree-mendous Trees and Fabulous Flowers  



Professor Poppy got in touch and asked for our help with her plant study. She is trying to find out about the plants that grow in the local area but it’s too much for her to do alone! The children were asked to become scientists and find out about the trees and flowers that can be found at school. They were also asked to grow some plants themselves.





Home Learning 

Project Vocabulary 


During our project, we are looking to develop the children's understanding and use of a range of vocabulary that is crucial to our learning. Our aim is to teach the children this vocabulary so that they can explain what it means. They should also be able to use it in a range of contexts both at school and at home. The children should be able to use it verbally when they talk and also in their written work. 


Please work with your child to develop their understanding of the definition of the word and to use this vocabulary with you at home.  


Key Project Vocabulary:  


plant      seed      bulb        growth         trunk       twig     branch    root       bud      stem     germinate      temperature   pest   wild      shoot     structure     seedling      flowering        habitat       micro-habitat      classify        observe    investigate          deciduous          evergreen



Reading for Pleasure! 


Each year, the website 'Books for Topics' creates a recommended book list that children in each year group would enjoy. 

We have attached their ideas for this current school year. 


Reading - Tricky Words 


Here are the tricky words from the Little Wandle Programme. These can be practised at home with your child. 

Phonics Support 


The Little Wandle website has some fantastic videos to support parents who might be a little unsure about how to pronounce the sounds. We have included a link to them below. 


Phonics - say the sound video link 


Here are some phonic help guides to support parents with the different sounds we will learn. 


Meet the Teacher! 


Thank you to all the parents who managed to attend our 'Meet the Teacher'. We hope you found it useful! 

We know lots of parents were unable to make it so we would like everyone to have the opportunity to see our presentation. 

For those people who were unable to attend, we will send the information pack home next week. 


Please click on the link below to view the presentation.
