The Year R children have had a fantastic half term! They have settled in brilliantly and have formed some lovely friendships!
We have worked hard to learn the names of the children in our class and we have learned the rules and routines of school.
We have begun to learn some of our phonemes and we are beginning to orally blend the sounds we hear to say a word.
In Maths, we have looked at continuing repeating patterns. We have also been subitising with the numbers 1,2 and 3. This means we can look at an arrangement of objects and say how many without needing to count them. We have also learned to identify who has more of an object.
These are the rhymes we have focused on this half term.
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Humpty Dumpty, Ring a Ring a Roses, 5 Little Ducks
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep, Jack and Jill, 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive, 5 Little men in a flying saucer
3. Incy Wincy Spider, Wind the bobbin up, Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, Peter Rabbit
4. 3 blind mice, Row row row your boat, Miss Polly had a dolly, 5 little speckled frogs
5. Hey diddle diddle, One two buckle my shoe, Pat a cake, 5 little monkeys
6. I'm a little teapot, Hickory dickory dock, Mary Mary quite contrary, 10 green bottles
Author of the half term
The Year R children have enjoyed listening to a range of books by Julia Donaldson this half term term.
Here are some of their favourites!
"I like the Highway Rat because I like him stealing all the food!"
"My favourite is The Snail and the Whale because the snail goes into the sea on an adventure with the whale."
"I like Superworm because he is really strong!"
"Stickman is my favourite because he gets lost!"
"My favourite is Tabby McTat because the thief stole the money."
"I like What the Ladybird Heard because the animals trick the bad guys."
"I like Room on the Broom because I can listen to it on my Tonies."
"Gruffalo's Child is my favourite because there is a big bad mouse."
"My favourite is A Squash and a Squeeze because there is a goat, cow, hen and a pig and they knock the jug over."
"The Scarecrow's Wedding is a good story because they try to find things for the wedding."
"I like One Mole Digging a Hole because it rhymes."
Our author for Autumn 2 will be Sue Hendra! Have you got any books you could share at home or maybe you could borrow some from the library!
Curriculum Evening
Here is the presentation we shared at our curriculum evening.
Year R Information
Our school gate opens at 8.40am and registration takes place at 8.50am. We finish at 3:15pm.
We have PE on a Thursday morning. This half term, we will be developing the children's fundamental movement skills. The children will not need plimsolls. Please take out your child's earrings before they come to school. PE bags will be sent home at half term to be washed.
Please ensure that your child has their reading folder in their school bag everyday. All children will need to bring their bag and water bottle in everyday. Please regularly check your child's bag for letters.
Thank you to all the parents who have named their child's clothing. This really helps us out!
On wet weather days your child will need a coat and wellies. If the weather is cold, please send your child in with a coat, hat, scarf and gloves. Please ensure all these items are named.
Important Dates!
26th November - individual photos
2nd December - Grandparents Craft morning - information to follow
6th December - flu vaccinations
17th December - theatre company in to perform
Log in to follow once the children have settled in school.