We aim to:
- Grow and Achieve Together
- Maintain high standards. We encourage children, staff, parents and governors to set high standards of achievement, value excellence and experience success
- Create a school ethos that is based firmly on mutual respect, trust and tolerance
- Celebrate diversity in all aspects of life; promoting inclusivity in all that we do at Cove Infant School
- Offer a variety of strategies to develop each pupil as an independent as well as a co-operative learner, fostering an ‘I can’ attitude where children are keen problem solvers and are willing to take risks
- Provide enriching, enjoyable and first – hand opportunities for all children to reach their full potential and develop key life skills within a supportive, nurturing and welcoming environment, as well as extending learning to the local community and further afield!
- Provide a broad and balanced, well – organised curriculum, tailored to the needs of our children
- Create an attractive and stimulating learning environment, supportive of all childrens needs
- Enable all of our children to have the confidence and resilience to be inquisitive young people and ignite a lifelong love of learning
- Create positive partnerships with parents and the local community
- Encourage and celebrate all achievements within and beyond the curriculum
- Provide a broad range of opportunities to promote a healthy lifestyle that considers and supports physical and mental well being
- Ensure that our children are safe internet users in our ever growing digital world
- Provide continuous professional development for all members of staff, and the Governing Body
- Encourage the children to respect themselves, each other, the local community and the environment, allowing them to become responsible citizens
- Provide the skills and knowledge that the children will need as they move on to Junior, and in turn, secondary phases of their education and for their lifelong future careers.