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Cove Infant School home page

Cove Infant School

Growing and Achieving together

E -Safety

E - Safety



Cove Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and expects all staff, volunteers and other people encountering our children to share this commitment. This includes E-safety.  


Please also visit our E - Safety page under the 'Children' tab, by clicking below! 

National Online Safety 

Parent Guides 





Click on the images below to find out more about each site:


Think U Know offers advice about

staying safe when online, using a 

phone, tablet or computer. 

Safe4me offers a wide range of 

advice and support, including 

around Cyber Bullying.



PEGI provides age classifications for

video games in 38 European countries.

The age rating confirms that the game

is appropriate for players of certain age.

PEGI considers the age suitability of a

game, not the level of difficulty. 

O2 and the NSPCC have worked 

together for 6 years to deliver advice,

support and resources to keep 

children safe online.  Please be aware

that this website will no longer exist 

soon, due to the partnership between 

O2 and the NSPCC coming to an end.