Welcome to Caterpillar Class!
We are learning...
06/01/2025 - Our 4 phonemes for the week are:
ai ee igh oa (These are digraphs (2 letters that make 1 sound) and trigraphs (3 letters that make 1 sound))
13/01/2025 - Our 4 phonemes for the week are:
oo (This makes 2 sounds) ar or
20/01/2025 - Our 4 phonemes for the week are:
ur ow oi ear
27/01/2025 - Our 4 phonemes for the week are:
air er double letter digraphs: pp dd tt mm gg bb rr ff
We will then look at longer words and we will learn to 'chunk it up'. We will break the word into 2 chunks. We will work out the first chunk, then the second chunk and then put both chunks together. (p-i-c "pic", n-i-c "nic", "picnic")
We have been learning to subitise with the numbers to 5. This means we can look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting!
We can recognise the numbers to 5 and are beginning to look at the composition of numbers. We can see that 4 can be made of 3 and 1 or 2 and 2. We will develop this further to talk about how the 2 parts make a whole.
We have also been looking at which set has 'more' and which has 'less'. We have begun to use the word 'equal' when the amounts are the same.
We are learning to find 1 more or 1 less than a number. We have been doing this very practically, using objects, but are aiming to develop our understanding of this concept so we can quickly recall 1 more or 1 less.
Take a look at some of the learning we did during the second half of the autumn term!
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