Welcome to Caterpillar Class!
We are learning...
We are looking at longer words and we are learning to 'chunk it up'.
We break the word into 2 or more chunks. We will work out the first chunk, then the second chunk and then put both chunks together. (p-i-c "pic", n-i-c "nic", "picnic")
We have looked at some suffixes - a letter or group of letters that go at the end of a word
We have been learning to subitise with the numbers to 5. This means we can look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting!
We have been working with numbers to 10. We are recognising the numbers and beginning to write them. We are working on our number formation. We are counting out amounts and learning to check that our counting is right!
We have learnt that a double is when there are 2 equal sets of objects.
We have begun to look at odd and even numbers.
We are using objects to partition numbers to 10. We are learning that 7 can have 5 as a part and 2 as a part and that 3 and 4 make 7.
Take a look at some of our learning from the Spring Term!

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